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Español - México
For Current Participants
About Destination Imagination
Getting Started
For Current Participants
Global Finals
Tournament Information
Background Checks
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Help Center
For Current Participants
About Destination Imagination
Getting Started
For Current Participants
Global Finals
Tournament Information
Background Checks
For Current Participants
Looking for information about your Challenge or Tournament? Read here.
Does DI offer scholarships?
FAQs: Pricing Change for 2023-24
What is the Resource Area and how can I access it?
I'm a volunteer, and I've been asked to agree to the Code of Conduct. How do I do that?
Does DI offer refunds for team numbers and/or background checks?
Where do I send my payment for Team Numbers?
Where can I get the Challenge materials?
How long does a team work on a Challenge solution?
Where can I ask for a Clarification?
I am a DI alum! How can I stay involved?
How can I contact Destination Imagination?
How do I set my team's chosen Challenge and competition level?
What is Interference?
How do I add Team Members to a team?
Global Finals
When/where are Global Finals?
How can parents and others contribute to my team's Global Finals registration fee?
Tournament Information
How do I submit a tournament schedule request?
What is an Appraiser?
How do I register for my DI tournament?
How do I access my team's forms for tournament submission?
Will my local tournament require masks, vaccines, or other health protocols?
When/where is my tournament?
Where can I find my tournament results?
How do I register to be an Appraiser who is NOT representing a team?
How do I register to be an Appraiser that is representing a DI team?
How can I learn about my local tournament or request an accommodation for my team or a team member?
See more
Background Checks
I already have a Sterling Volunteers background check. Do I need a new one?
How can I find out when my Sterling background check expires?
I live in California and I need help with my background check.
What is DI's Youth Protection Policy?
How can I share the results of my background check?
How do I process my background check?
What if I have a background check through my school or district?
See more